Forest Horse (and Burro) Blog Sunday, December 04 2016
11-9-2016. On the day after the US election, Muse was diagnosed with nasal carcinoma. She had had a persistent runny nose, and while I was out of town, her condition changed for the worse. Veterinary note: If you notice your animal has a persistent runny nose and odd head shaking, it may be a sign of carcinoma and not just allergies. She had been treated with antibiotics and steroids a month before which helped temporarily. The following day, I brought her in for euthanasia. She was disoriented and having trouble breathing. Muse was born in 2004, adopted from Lago Vista Paws and came to me in 2005. I miss her sweet quiet presence. Because she did not go through the gradual declines of old age, I did not have the months of elder-care/hospice to prepare to say good bye. I appreciate all of the wonderful love she brought to me and the dogs and other cats here. I had an interesting experience with burying her. I had gone out to dig out rocks and hard earth to create a grave near some other beloved animal friends. Later I was in the back yard with my dogs, Ruby and Dutch Apple. Ruby started digging furiously underneath a bower of salvia. Even in November, blooms and butterflies were active! She kept digging and Dutch came to join her. They dug the perfect grave for Muse in the most beautiful spot. All I had to do was clear out the loose dirt and all was ready. That is where she is; I thank the dogs for helping and for the unexpected gift of support and for the perfection of Muse's resting place. So much for my practical digging chore out front! I do think digging in the earth and prying rocks out is a good method of processing grief, so am happy I got to do that too. The message I keep getting from the land and the donkeys and horses is to GO with the energies that present themselves. If dogs start to dig a grave, go with that. If a horse comes to you and wants you to put a halter on him, go with that! Following the energy is a beautiful practice with teaching animals, people, in creativity and probably also in maneuvering traffic and grocery store aisles. Rest in Peace Muse. Thank you sharing some time with me. I would love to hear other stories here in the comments if you feel moved. Comments:
Thank you for sharing this story, Kate. Muse was stunningly beautiful, and I'm sorry her spirit has left. Gratitude to Dutch Apply and Ruby for their support and assistance for you ! . Such a perfect spot for her little body. A return to the Earth. I suppose that's only natural, but sad nonetheless.
Posted by Sarah on 12/04/2016 17:27:51
Thank you for sharing this beautiful Kate I'm so sorry for your loss😘
Posted by Tammy on 12/05/2016 07:53:12
Your beloved pups followed their instincts and supported you in processing your grief for sweet Muse. I suppose dogs grieve too for their pet friends. This was a wonderful reflection and reminder to let intuition be our guide.
Posted by Laura Enrione on 12/05/2016 14:52:47